written and directed by Naftali Beane Rutter
produced by Naftali Beane Rutter Christian Díaz Pardo and Suzanna Carreras
executive producers Alexandra Byer and Sean L Udin
consulting producer Buzz Koenig
La Marea is the story of Carla Seeline, a photographer who shows up one day at San Ignacio Lagoon claiming she’s there to see the whales. Known to swim up to small boats and stare, or nuzzle a waiting hand, close encounters with the gray whales are said to have profound healing powers.
But Carla isn’t your average tourist– she’s a war photographer who was sent on sensitive missions during the war in Afghanistan. Falling asleep each night to the sound of whales breathing out in the lagoon, Carla’s tranquil vacation is interrupted when a serious wound lands her in the house of the village healer, a powerful old woman named Doña Carmen. Doña Carmen revives her, and they soon discover they have something surprising in common: the power to communicate with ghosts. What follows is a story about grief, both personal and collective, and finding joy and recovery amidst the vitality of our waters and the animals within them.
La Marea is currently being developed to go into production in late 2023/ early 2024, while the gray whales are basking in San Ignacio Lagoon.
Please contact us if you’re interested in further information about La Marea.